Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Catching up

Life, has been active at Journey the last few weeks. We just finished the Marriage Alpha Course, had a team out ministering and feeding the homeless and another team going in and serving the library staff at the school where we meet.

At the prayer meeting last Monday night Larry Purdy had a vision that we believe is significant and follows a theme of blessing and promise that prophetically has been spoken about Journey.

During the Journey Church prayer meeting on 06/15/2009, the Lord gave Larry the following vision/revelation:

When a family moves into a wilderness/frontier land to settle it, the first thing they do is dig a well. As they come together and begin to dig, the topsoil is dry and hard. As they continue to dig and press in to the well, they go deeper and deeper, and finally the soil begins to grow moist. As they continue, pressing in and digging, water begins to seep out of the soil and puddle on the floor of the well. As they continue, working together, digging and going deeper, the water begins to burst forth and flow freely, filling the well and bursting over the top, flowing out onto the dry land and providing life-giving water to all it touches. As other families see the life-giving water and the effect it has, they move into the area and join the pioneers as they also settle into the land that was once a wilderness.

This is Journey Church – As we join together as a family of believers, we are like the pioneers. We planted Journey Church in the spiritual wilderness of Salem, and joined together to dig the well. As we join in fellowship and press in to the Lord and dig deeper in the well, we go deeper into His presence. As we have continued to pray and press in to Him, we have reached the point that the soil is moist and the Spirit, the true life-giving water, has seeped through the soil and poured out upon us in small measure. As we continue to press in and dig deeper, we will see the Spirit begin to flow more and more. As we continue, working together, we will see the Spirit fill the well to overflowing, pouring out His life-giving Spirit beyond the constraints of the well and into the surrounding areas. Others will see what is happening and will be drawn to Journey Church to join in, settle with us, and take part in what is occurring.

“Oh taste and see that the Lord is good”!

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